Horses and Harvey

The talk of the nation, right now, is all about Hurricane Harvey and Texas. Well what is the state of Texas most known for? Horses and cattle of course. As devastating as the flooding has been to the people who call the lone star state home, it is even more devastating for the animals who have no way out. We, as humans, typically know when a catastrophe is coming and we can (semi) prepare for it. Animals, however, can only sense the change in weather (temperature, pressure, etc.). They rely solely on their humans to care for them and protect them. In some situations like the most recent, those humans have to leave their beloved animals behind in order to protect their family. I know what you're thinking, "I would never leave my pet behind". Well here in Alabama, our pets are more than likely dogs or 1cats. We can load those up in the car with us and hit the road. In Texas, people who have farm land have on average 15-20 horses and 30+ cattle. A horse trailer can only fit so many at one time, and then IF you have the time to make several trips to get them, you still have to find somewhere to keep them while the storm passes and then HOPE your land is in good enough shape to bring them back once the storm passes. Now you're probably thinking "well then why would you have so many animals that you can't protect". In places like Texas, these animals are their way of living. This is how they provide for their families. This is their "nine to five". When you think about losing everything to a natural disaster, we typically think about house, cars, belongings. Typically we would still have some type of job to go back to and make money to be able to repair everything that was destroyed. Can you imagine your "belongings" being your livelihood? The land and horses and cattle that you work day in and day out taking care of, all gone. Sure, once the storm and flooding is gone you can come back home and start cleaning up your land. But that "job" you were planning on getting back to is gone. Your livestock has perished and your land has washed away. Now it's time to start all over. Spend money to fix up your land, fencing it back in, growing the grass back. Spending money buying more horses and cattle (which by the way are NOT cheap). These people are having to do this all while not having any income. Let's also not forget that these people won't have any income until they replenish their stock. My point of this is to say, Hurricane Harvey is more than a short term loss for some people. Texas is the country's #1 source of meat and dairy. Their jobs hold a lot more responsibility than most of ours. They have to buy their "jobs", raise them, feed them, and then maintain their health. They are in complete control of their income, until the referenced phenomenon. So pray for Texas, send good vibes, do what ever it is you do, but mostly for these animals who have no way of getting help themselves.

My strategy: Open a horse rescue that has the available resources to help those in need in these situations. Create a constant fund for natural disasters or dire need. Have volunteers who are always available when needed, with trucks, trailers, land, barns, hay, etc. Create a concept that gives these farmers and cowboys peace of mind to know that they will have help if in need. Create a network of people who are ready and willing to help. I actually heard of a group this weekend called the 'Cajun Navy'. It is a group that is very similar to what I am describing but they help people instead of animals. They are a self proclaimed group of people out of Louisiana with trucks and boats that loaded up and drove to Texas to help save people from flooded homes, stranded vehicles, anyone that was trapped in the flood waters. They have the right idea and they have networked all over their state of Louisiana to create this group. Animals need their own safe haven, too. They need someone to help them when they can't help themselves. They need somewhere to go, and food to eat. More than anything, the people who live off of these animals need them!

So where do I fit in? No, I can't be in several places in every state needed. But I can start the wave. I can start the idea. I can spread the word to others who have the same passion as I do. We can make the difference, one place at a time.

"Be the change you wish to see in the world" - Mahatma Ghandi

Next week I will have a more positive post, but I felt that we should all be aware of the unseen catastrophe.


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